To endure

Posted by Tracie on 8/25/2009 09:22:00 PM in , , ,
I get so frustrated when things don't happen right away. I want everything now, now, now.

But things happen in time. Things happen in God's time, in Tao's time. It's like a savings account. I put in a little bit of money, it gains interest and becomes a big amount of money.

A butterfly in China beating its wings can cause a hurricane in the Americas. What can that butterfly do? Just beat its wings as best as it knows how.

I need to be patient. Little seeds will grow. Little seeds grow into majestic trees that cannot be torn down. Every majestic, tough tree started as a little seed.

This is my seed. This is my seed for the upcoming year. Fake it till I make it. Breathe. Remember higher power. Smile at people. Say hello. Make friendship deposits. It will pay off. It will pay off. Just put it in now. Put in the little now and the big return will come later.

Don't just look for the Big Reward. Don't just focus on that. Focus on the process. Life is a process. I can't expect to be accepted by any and everyone when I haven't even been back one Sunday. It will work out. It's just gradual. Breathe. Continue. Endure to the End. It will turn out. It will turn out. It will turn out well.



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